- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Country / Managing Director | INDIA | PUNE
💼 Hybrid 🇮🇳 Pune, MH, IN 📝 FULL-TIME 🎯 EXPERIENCED11d - Sustainable Cities and Communities1M
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Field Marketing Associate | MarComms| Nyanza & Western Kenya
💼 Hybrid 🇰🇪 Western, KE 📝 FULL-TIME 🎯 MID LEVEL1M - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure2M
- Affordable and Clean Energy3M
- Affordable and Clean Energy3M
- Affordable and Clean Energy3M
- Affordable and Clean Energy3M
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
VP, Strategic Partnerships and Communications
💼 Hybrid 🇺🇸 Washington, DC, US 📝 FULL-TIME 🎯 EXECUTIVE4M - Good Health and Well-being6M