ChildFund is hiring a
As the Training Coordinator, you will work closely with the Program Manager, Technical Advisor, the National Department of Education, Sub-national offices and other relevant stakeholders and partners to implement all training workshops for School Leadership & Management in Central, Sandaun, AROB and Enga Provinces. You will be responsible for conducting trainings for head teachers and BOM members, and ensure quality assurance in all trainings to be conducted in the PIE project. You will also be responsible for all trainings, supervision and mentoring of PIE trainers in AROB. You will manage data collected from AROB and maintain a training database for all four (4) project sites in close consultation with the other provincial training team leads.
Remain alert and responsive to any child safeguarding or sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment (SEAH) risks, acquire relevant knowledge and skills to promote strong safeguarding practices, understand the child safeguarding and PSEAH policy and procedures, and conduct yourself consistent with those policies.
Other Information: Appointment to this position is dependent upon successful completion of criminal background and reference checks.
You can view the full position description at
Housing will not be provided by ChildFund.
This position is open to Papua New Guinea nationals only.
Applications closing date: 12 April 2024
Training CoordinatorPartnershipsImproving EducationProgram ManagerTechnical AdvisorNational DepartmentEducationSchool LeadershipManagementTraining WorkshopsCentralSandaunAROBEnga ProvincesHead TeachersBOM MembersQuality AssurancePIE ProjectSupervisionMentoringTrainersData CollectionDatabaseProject SitesSenior Project OfficersProject Logistics OfficerTraining ObjectivesDeliverablesTraining ScheduleSub-national OfficersAdministrative TasksFinancial AccountabilityChildFundBudget DisbursementsTraining ReportsTOTsTraining Data BaseMEL TeamCompliancePoliciesProceduresQualificationsExperienceDegreeAdult EducationPNGTrainerLecturerNon-Formal EducationNGOCSOPrivate EnterpriseProject Management ToolsMonitoringEvaluationDesirableCross-cultural SettingHead TeacherTeacherTraining MaterialsGuidelinesMiddle ManagementGender EqualitySkillsAnalytical SkillsTeam PlayerCommunication SkillsOrganisational SkillsPlanning SkillsDevelopmentChild-focused DevelopmentChild SafeguardingSexual ExploitationAbuseHarassmentSEAH RisksSafeguarding PracticesPSEAH PolicyProceduresCriminal Background ChecksReference Checks