ChildFund is hiring a
The Program Officer is responsible for managing the organization’s relationship with local partners with the overall objective of improving the well-being of children. The Program Officer works closely with local partners, as well as the consultants and contractors involved in program activities. This position is also responsible in assisting Program Manager for Emergency Response works and for timely submission of proposals and reports through online system.
The position reports to the Program Manager and will also work closely with ChildFund Myanmar staff to ensure the smooth and effective implementation of the program.
Key area 1: Program coordination
Under the supervision of Program Manager, Program Officer will have to conduct; As related to ChildFund Office:
• Participate in the assessment of project proposals, providing recommendations to the Program Manager;
• Assist Program Manager to ensure timely submission of project proposals through online system
• Manage ongoing project monitoring, supporting partner agencies to ensure that activities are properly focused, participatory, environmentally friendly, gender sensitive and follow an integrated approach at least once per quarter and based on partner requirement;
• Manage the finalization and submission of project monitoring and evaluation reports, per agreed standards;
• Conduct field visits to project sites to monitor project activities by local partners;
• Coordinate field visits to program sites by ChildFund delegations and visitors;
• Understand and comply with, in an exemplary manner, all relevant ChildFund policies and procedures.
• Manage particular works for emergency response by coordinating with Program Manager and technical lead of ER team
As related to local partners:
• Assisting in the capacity development of new local partners to be consistent with ChildFund strategies and financial capability;
• Supervise the preparation of agreements between ChildFund and local partners for approval by the Program Manager;
• Develop and maintain close relationships with local partners who have capacity in the field of improving wellbeing for children, ensuring that their capacity evolves and strengthens over time;
• Develop ways and means and provide assistance to local partners to integrate project activities in a community development approach and framework;
• Review project activities to provide suitable support to partners: implementation plans, reporting, budgeting and evaluation;
• Identify and recommend training needs for local partners, to increase project management capacity, and improve their contribution to agreed project aims;
• Communicate with external consultants for technical assistance and develop consultant hiring
contract for specific project or existing project’s additional output or activity.
• Develop and maintain good relationships with the local authorities and people both personally and professionally as a representative of ChildFund.
Key area 2: Program Reporting and Administration
• Conduct Data collection and utilizing reports from local partners, review and submit ensure all outputs, financial and narrative reports and implementation plans of the various projects, ensuring their high quality;
• Approve documents for translation, and provide editing and feedback of reports where appropriate;
• Assist Program Manager to ensure timely submission of project reports through online system
Key area 3: Networking, collaboration and Information sharing
• Participate, as assigned, in relevant networking meetings with other NGOs including UN agencies
for promotion of ChildFund Myanmar’s objectives.
• Maintain contact with other NGOs through meetings and forums etc. to ensure mutual awareness of activities and projects;
Key area 4: Capacity building
• Act as a focal staff of the relevant development programs and support trainings and surveys concerning with the relevant program for all local partners of ChildFund Myanmar when they need.
• Promote capacity building of local partners through training opportunities, contact with other local partners.
• Any other additional tasks directed by Program Manager.