SOS Children`s Villages is hiring a
Terms of Reference to Undertake Gender Audit Study for SOS Children’s Villages in Ethiopia
SOS Children’s Villages in Ethiopia (SOSCVE) is a member association to the International Federation of SOS Children’s Villages. It is non-political, not-for-profit, and non-religious social development organization focused on the wellbeing and development of children and young people. SOSCVE was founded in 1974 and has been a development partner since then with positive outcomes in the lives of many children, young people, families/caregivers and communities. The Organization is currently operational in seven program locations in the country, basing its national office at Addis Ababa.
There is no standalone project that entirely focuses on gender, rather gender is mainstreamed in each and every program component of SOSCVE. In principle, the organization gives due credit and emphasis for gender issue and every effort is made as to realize gender equality in its undertakings and programming. When selecting partners and local implementers, gender dimension is among the cardinal criteria to liaise with and considered.
A ‘‘gender audit’’ is one aspect of what is referred to as ‘‘mainstreaming’’ analysis, mainstreaming gender in public policy, including legislation, regulations of different organizations, allocations, taxation and social projects, from the point of view of their effect on the status of women in a general society. The basic assumption of gender audits is that policies impact differently on men and women. The variance stems from the different roles of women and men in the family and from the level economic status of women. The purpose of gender audit is to lead to changes in policies and practices that contribute to an increase in gender equality (Swirski, 2002:2)
SOS Children’s Villages in Ethiopia is making efforts to ensure gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment initiatives at all level of the program in all its program locations. In all its programing, it has made several initiatives to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment in Ethiopia. To further reinforce these in Ethiopia as well as in SOS Children’s Villages programs at all level, the national SOS office in Ethiopia is seeking to undertake a gender audit and this TOR is designed to inform its development. The gender audit ordinarily centers on analysis of organizational processes and support for gender integration and mainstreaming such as resource allocation, capacity and policies.
As per the 2007 ILO statement on gender analysis, gender audit establishes a baseline value, identified gaps, challenges and hood practices and recommends ways of addressing gaps as well as new and more effective strategies as appropriate. The gender audit would further complement the gender gaps recognized in internal reviews and will serve the organization as a recognized value addition application to further mature the issue into instrumental gender action strategies/plans. The gender audit will draw on the lessons learned from other organizations and will shadow the methodologies and assessments of the ILO gender audit tool.
Thus, this term of reference is prepared to outline the purpose/objective, scope, and methodology to undertaking organizational gender audit and strategy.
The overall purpose of the audit and gender strategy is to assess the status of gender relations on organization culture, practices, programs and organizational performance and identify suitable recommendations for addressing identified weaknesses, improve strengths that contributes to an increase in gender equality. Specific purposes includes the following but not limited to:
To understand organizational competencies in terms of addressing the gender issues.
To incorporate gender equality issues in the SOSCVE’s planning and future performance
To build organizational ownership for gender equity initiatives
To inform the development of fitting strategies that can address the gender gaps identified.
Both primary and secondary data will be gathered on various indicators of gender audit/gender mainstreaming/ using both quantitative and qualitative tools. Focused Group Discussion, Key informant interview, semi-structured interview and survey are suggested to be used to assess
key issues related to gender mainstreaming, practices of SOSCVE and to come up with key recommendations for future programming.
The secondary data will also be used to complement the information obtained through key informant interviews, focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews and survey questionnaire. Other than this, the consultant should come up with appropriate methodology to collect the required information and triangulate the findings guided through the ILO gender audit tool.
The gender audit will cover the gender related work of all SOSCVE departments and programs in Ethiopia at all levels to provide a baseline for the status of gender equality and inform the development of gender integration and mainstreaming strategy for the organization as a whole.
The gender audit study will cover the following points but not limited to:
Considers whether internal practices and related support systems for gender mainstreaming are effective and reinforce each and whether they are being followed;
Monitors and assesses the relation progress made in gender mainstreaming
Establish a baseline for further assessments of gender equality
Identifies critical gaps and challenges
Recommends ways of addressing them and develop new and more effective strategic document/guideline
Documents good practice towards the achievement of gender equality
Present the findings in the validation workshop.
NB: the study will cover six program locations of SOSCVE in different parts of the country (Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Gode, Hawassa, Harrar, and Jimma) plus the National Office.
Using this participatory self-assessment methodology, the gender audit is expected to take into account objective data and staff perceptions of the achievement of gender equality in SOS in order to better understand concrete and unsubstantiated facts and interpretations for future actions. More specifically the gender audit will emphasize on the following issues:
Gender mainstreaming in program and policies
Leadership and staff capacity
Resources and tools
Organizational culture- workplace issues such as GBV, prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation (PSHEA)
Monitoring and evaluation
The 2007 ILO Gender Audit guidelines and questionnaires will be assumed to respond to the wide range of topics stated above.
The gender audit shall be conducted and finalized between November, 2022 – February, 2023. The preliminary work plan is as follows:
November 25, 2022- post TOR on job sites, for instance ethiojobs, reporter magazine, etc;
December 7, 2022- consultancy firms submit their respective detailed proposal (technical and financial) with a draft methodology;
December 12, 2022- select a consultancy firm and commission the work;
December 20, 2022- submission of an inception report by the consultancy firm;
December 26, 2022- Feedback on the inception report by SOS;
January1, 2023 to January 31, 2023- data Collection, analysis of data and write-up the draft report;
February 1, 2023- the consultancy firm submit a draft report;
February 10, 2023- comments, feedback, and reflection on the draft report by SOSCVE
February 20, 2023- the consultancy firm incorporates feedback and comments;
February 22, 2023- the consultancy firm presents the final report to SOSCVE
February 27, 2023- submission of final report by the consultancy firm.
The consulting firm should produce the following deliverables:
Gender audit report with the following sections: executive summary with major findings and recommendations; introduction with objectives, scope, methodology, timeline, constraints and limitations; key findings based on the above-mentioned issues under section 4 and recommendations.
The consulting firm needs to be licensed and have a renewed license for the current fiscal year. Those firms who can avail testimonies of undertaking gender audit study will be given priority to this assignment. Specific requirements includes the following:
Master Degree in gender studies, development studies or any other relevant social science subjects.
A minimum of 5 years progressively responsible experience in areas of gender analysis, auditing and related baseline studies.
Excellent command of oral and written English
Knowledge of the ILO gender audit tool
The consulting firm needs to assign relevant professional background to undertake the gender audit study. It would be advisable to recruit gender professional at second degree qualification as deemed necessary.
The gender audit study will be reported using the following format but this does not necessarily mean the consultants’ innovations are not welcomed. The report should roughly include:
Front cover with title page
Acknowledgement (communities, advisers, team members, funding agencies)
List of contents
Executive summary
Background information
Purpose of the audit study
Assessment methods and sampling
Description of the process of conducting the rapid assessment
Key Results of the audit study and discussions
Conclusion and recommendations
Should the consultant need specific assistance/materials from the SOS Children’s Villages in Ethiopia office and/or national partners, he/she is requested to do so at least 5 days prior to implementation.
The consultant will be paid 30 % of the amount upon approval of the proposal; 40 % after completion and submission of the first draft study, and the final payment of 30 % will be paid upon completion and submission of the final report.
The selected consultant will work under the direct supervision of SOSCVE national office and program location staff. In the absence of the above, the consultant is expected to report directly to the Alternative care and youth empowerment manager, who is based at the national office (Addis Ababa).
Interested and qualified applicants can review the detailed TOR here and submit the technical proposal with two financial proposals [one original and one copy] each separately sealed in an envelope clearly marked to be submitted in person within 7 days of the advertisement.
At SOS CVE National Office
Bole Sub city, Kebele 03/05
H.No 2/229, infront of Mado Hotel
Phone: +2511676327
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia