Near East Foundation is hiring an
Near East Foundation, Iraq
ABWA External Evaluation
Application Deadline: 5 July 2024
Location of Consultancy: Al-Anbar, Iraq (Heet, Ramadi, and Fallujah)
The evaluation aims to critically examine project performance. The evaluation will engage project stakeholders to obtain the most objective information possible to evaluate the performance of the project and determine whether it was successful in meeting the stated objectives. The assessment—based on participant observation and participatory processes—will also capture unanticipated and ancillary results, in addition to documenting lessons learned for broader dissemination. It will provide a framework for “double-loop” learning by allowing NEF to improve the implementation of future planned activities and to refocus activities based on knowledge of these lessons learned. Through this evaluation, the assessment team will analyze the extent to which NEF meets its stated goals and objectives and will compare the results to the baseline data and targets. The evaluation will answer questions related to the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the project so lessons can be learned to improve actions, planning, and decision-making.
Background Information
Project: Anbar Business & Workforce Advancement for Improved Living **Conditions (ABWA)**, funded by GIZ under Assisting Reconstruction and Improving Living Conditions in Anbar (ARILA).
Duration: 25 months project, from October 2022 to October 2024
Geographical focus: Three target districts - Heet, Ramadi, and Fallujah – in Al Anbar Governorate, Iraq.
Project approach: Siraj model of community-based business hubs, comprising an organizational toolkit and eight integrated services.
Target beneficiaries: Entrepreneurs in Anbar
Key results: To increase incomes and job opportunities provided through micro-, small and medium enterprises by improving the business development and support environment and facilitating access to capital and networks for entrepreneurs in Al Anbar Governorate.
ABWA is a 25-month project funded by GIZ to equip and roll out structured business activation services in three locations covering three districts – Heet, Ramadi, and Fallujah – in Al Anbar Governorate, Iraq., with the objective to enhance income levels and job opportunities for micro, small, and medium enterprises in Al Anbar Governorate by improving the business development and support environment and facilitating access to capital and networks for entrepreneurs. Master Trainers and Coaches deliver the services, including market assessments, outreach, selection of participants, and structured training for soft skills and business development for 580 participants. NEF then offers tailored coaching, mentorship, and resources to further support participants who have finalized business growth plans. They will also receive targeted financing and advanced support using Siraj business acceleration, adaptation, and resilience services. Additionally, NEF will provide technical and financial support to selected MSMEs to build evidence of solutions that can increase their resilience. Finally, NEF will conduct a tracer study which will commence after the distribution of grants to analyze the impact of project interventions.
Theory of Change
The project envisages that:
Outputs and Expected Outcomes
See the project indicator table (Annex 1) HERE.
Evaluation Questions
NEF will evaluate the extent to which the project achieved the objectives. This project has few limitations, geographical limitation to target only three districts (Heet, Ramadi, and Fallujah) may exclude other areas in Al Anbar Governorate that could benefit from similar interventions. Also, the short-term nature of the project (25 months) may not be sufficient to measure the long-term impact on income levels, job creation, and business resilience. It is therefore important for this evaluation to capture the expected results.
The evaluative questions will be aligned with the OECD/DAC Evaluation Criteria. While all six criteria provide useful frameworks around which a project evaluation can be constructed, NEF will base the evaluation around the following criteria and questions:
Relevance: the extent to which the project objectives and design respond to targeted participants’ needs.
Coherence: the extent to which the intervention was compatible with other interventions or policies in the area.
Effectiveness: the extent to which the project achieved, or is expected to achieve, its objectives, and its results, including any differential results across groups.
Impact: the extent to which the project has generated or is expected to generate significant positive or negative, intended or unintended, higher-level effects.
Sustainability: the extent to which the net benefits of the intervention continue or are likely to continue.
Efficiency: the extent to which the project delivered, or is likely to deliver, results in an economic and timely way.
The evaluation will supplement the key themes outlined above with an analysis of the following:
Learning: What aspects of the project worked well? Which aspects of the project could be improved upon? Why? Was it due to external or project-specific factors? The analysis should be linked as much as possible to specific sub interventions/project activities, demographics, economic conditions, externalities, business choices etc. to turn data into knowledge.
Proof of concept: Did foundational assumptions underpinning program design hold true and therefore derive impact? If yes, did they follow the anticipated logical progression as captured in the theory of change? If not, why was this?
Replication and multiplication of project outcomes: Does the project design lend itself to scale-up? How can the team capitalize upon successes achieved moving forward? Is the model applicable to other regions in Iraq?
Evaluation Methods
The evaluation will use a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. It will be participatory, and utilize qualitative methods (i.e., interviews, focus groups) to engage direct beneficiaries and government stakeholders. Data sources will include project documentation and secondary data, project baseline and endline surveys, project records and reports, field observations, focus groups discussions, and key informant interviews.
Anticipated Level of Effort: Up to 15 days.
Evaluation Timeline & Deliverables
The evaluation will be implemented at the end of the project and finalized by the time of submission of the project’s final report.
Evaluation Launch: 15 August 2024
Evaluation Draft: 30 September 2024
Final report: 15 October 2024
Evaluation Findings Dissemination
The final product, as well as an abbreviated synopsis of the evaluation findings, will be published on the NEF website for public consumption. Additionally, the findings will be shared directly with GIZ. The NEF team has relationships with the local stakeholders and NGOs, which will allow for the sharing of evaluation findings and exchange of lessons learned to improve future programming.
Selection Criteria
Application Deadline: 5 July 2024
To apply, please upload the following: