ChildFund is hiring an
Consultant’s Terms of Reference for Swipe Safe Regional Project – End Project Evaluation
Consultant can be based in Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Vietnam, or Australia
1. Organisational context
ChildFund Australia is an independent international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in developing communities. We partner to create community and systems change which enables children and young people in vulnerable situations, to assert and realise their rights. At ChildFund Australia, we want every child and young person to be able to say: “I am safe. I am educated. I contribute. I have a future.”
At ChildFund Australia we directly manage and implement programs with a range of local partners in Cambodia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, and other countries in the Pacific. We also manage projects delivered by partner organisations throughout Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
ChildFund Australia is a member of the ChildFund Alliance – a global network of 11 organisations which assists almost 36 million children and their families in 70 countries. ChildFund Australia is a registered charity, a member of the Australian Council for International Development, and fully accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade which manages the Australian Government’s overseas aid program.
2. Background
Swipe Safe is an evidence-led child online protection program developed by child protection experts at ChildFund. It targets children, young people, parents/caregivers, and protective partners, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to navigate the digital environment safely. As a flagship initiative for ChildFund, expanding Swipe Safe’s reach and impact remains a key strategic priority for the organisation.
First developed in Vietnam, Swipe Safe played a significant role in enhancing the country’s child protection programming by empowering children, young people, and their enabling environment to recognise online risks and use digital spaces responsibly. Building on its success in Vietnam, the program expanded to the Solomon Islands and later evolved into a regional project implemented across Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
The regional implementation of Swipe Safe provides a unique platform for countries to share learning, exchange best practices, and support one another in addressing the diverse online safety challenges faced in their contexts. This collaborative approach fosters stronger strategies and more effective interventions, ensuring that each participating country benefits from regional insights while tailoring solutions to their specific needs.
This end-of-project evaluation will generate valuable insights into Swipe Safe regional project’s implementation and outcomes across these four diverse contexts. By analysing progress, challenges, and impact, the study will not only inform the refinement of future initiatives but also contribute to a broader understanding of effective online safety programming. These findings will align with ChildFund’s commitment to creating a safer digital world for children and young people while strengthening regional collaboration on child online protection.
3. Purpose of the Evaluation
The purpose of this end-of-project evaluation is to assess the implementation and outcomes of the Swipe Safe regional project, which has been implemented across Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor Leste, and Vietnam since July 2023. This evaluation will focus on the 30-month implementation period and will:
· Evaluate Project Performance: Assess the project’s design, scope, implementation status, and progress toward achieving its objectives. This includes an analysis of the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability of the project’s strategies and activities.
· Analyse Potential Impact and Sustainability: Examine the preliminary indications of the project’s impact on children, young people, and other stakeholders, as well as the likelihood of sustaining the project’s results and benefits beyond its implementation period.
· Identify Lessons Learned: Capture key lessons, challenges, and best practices from the project’s implementation to understand what worked well, what could be improved, and why. This evaluation will serve as a critical learning exercise to inform future regional online safety programming and the flagship program itself.
· Support Strategic Planning: Provide actionable recommendations to guide the design and delivery of future Swipe Safe activities, ensuring alignment with emerging needs, regional priorities, and sustainable development goals.
· Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: Generate insights that can inform key stakeholders, including ChildFund Australia, country office teams, government partners, and other collaborators, about the effectiveness of the project. This evaluation will also enhance knowledge sharing within and beyond the organisation, contributing to the broader discourse on child online safety.
4. Scope and focus of the Evaluation
The end-of-project evaluation will assess the implementation, outcomes, and overall impact of the Swipe Safe regional project across Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. The evaluation will focus on the project’s alignment with the needs of children, youth, parents/caregivers and stakeholders, as well as its contribution to regional and national online safety priorities. In order to achieve these objectives, the evaluation will focus on the areas outlined in the key evaluation questions below:
· KEQ 1: To what extent did the project achieve its intended goal of strengthening the online protective environment for children and young people?
· KEQ 2: To what extent did the project achieve its intended outcomes that:
o (1) government and duty bearers are supported to equip frontline CP, law enforcement, and justice officers to tackle and respond to online sexual exploitation and abuse;
o (2) diverse groups of children and young people are empowered to actively adopt stronger online self-protective behaviours;
o (3) parents and caregivers are equipped with knowledge and skills to enable them to be online safety partners for children and young people, preventing and responding to online risks and harms; and
o (4) sharing evidence and advocating for integrating Swipe Safe modules/OCESA into existing national systems.
· KEQ 3: What were the barriers and enablers that made the difference between successful and disappointing outcomes? What are the lessons that both ChildFund's online safety programming and the wider online safety sector can learn from these?
· KEQ 4: Is Swipe Safe Regional project using the right approaches to maximise and sustain the outcomes and long-term impact of the project?
5. Methodology
a) Desk Review
The consultant will conduct a comprehensive desk review of relevant project documents and literature to establish a foundation for the evaluation. This process will involve:
b) Data Collection
The data collection process will be structured to maximise stakeholder involvement while ensuring efficiency and contextual accuracy:
c) Analysis
Collected data will be disaggregated by gender, age, and location where possible, ensuring inclusivity and alignment with GEDSI principles. A triangulation approach will be applied to validate findings by cross-referencing data from multiple sources, including:
d) Synthesis and Reporting
The evaluation findings will be synthesised into a comprehensive report highlighting:
6. Deliverables and Indicative Timetable
Note that this is subject to negotiation with the Consultant
Indicative dates
Outputs and Activities
3 – 9 March 2025
· Conduct desk review
o program documentation
o brief literature review
10 – 16 March 2025
· Develop draft Inception Report and data collection Tools
· Submit to ChildFund Australia for review
17 – 23 March 2025
· Finalise Inception Report and data collection Tools, incorporating feedback from ChildFund Australia and ChildFund country offices
23 March – 30 April 2025
· Conduct data collection across country offices
1 – 31 May 2025
· Analyse data and draft report
2 – 11 June 2025
· ChildFund draft report review
12 June 2025
· Report presentation
13 – 20 June 2025
· Revise the report
20 June 2025
· Submit final report along with:
o A two-page executive summary for public dissemination
o Reusable presentation slides to share the findings
7. Management and Reporting Arrangement
The Consultant will report directly to the Regional Online Safety Coordinator, in collaboration with ChildFund Australia’s MEL Advisor and Senior Child Protection Advisor. All reports must be written in English and submitted electronically. The Consultant must also be available for online meetings.
Role of ChildFund:
8. Confidentiality
All discussions and documents relating to this ToR will be treated as confidential by the parties.
9. Child Safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
The Consultant will undertake the Services to a high standard; use its best endeavors to promote the best interests of ChildFund; protect the reputation of ChildFund and work in a manner consistent with the mission, vision and policies of ChildFund (see Child Safeguarding Policy/Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct PSEAH policy and Employee Code of Conduct). ChildFund Australia has a zero-tolerance policy to abuse, exploitation and harassment in all its forms. Pre-screening checks including a criminal record check will be conducted prior to commencement.
10. Counter-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering
ChildFund Australia acknowledges its obligation under the Australian laws relating to counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering. In order to meet its obligation, the consultant is obligated to provide information required for ChildFund to undertake counter terrorism screening before engagement. The consultant’s name, date & place of birth and ID number will be checked against Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) consolidated list, National Security Australia list, World Banks listing and the Asian Development bank listing to ensure not engage with entities or individuals appearing on the lists.
11. Conflict of Interest
The Consultant must declare any financial, personal, family (or close intimate relationship) interest in matters of official business which may impact on the work of ChildFund
12. Fraud and Corruption prevention and awareness
ChildFund Australia has a zero approach to fraud and corruption act. The successful consultant will be required to comply with ChildFund Australia’s fraud and corruption prevention and awareness Policy and act against any form of fraud or corruption and not offer, promise, give or accept any bribes.
13. Insurance
The successful applicant will be required to have in place insurance arrangements appropriate to provision of the requirement in this TOR including (without limitation) travel insurance.
14. Acknowledgment and Disclaimer
ChildFund, its Board and staff make no express or implied representation or warranty as to the currency, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this ToR. Nothing in this ToR should be construed to give rise to any contractual obligations or rights, expressed or implied, by the issue of this ToR or the submission of Expression of Interest in response to it. No contract would be created until a formal written contract is executed between ChildFund and a selected consultant.
Terms of Agreement
· Consultancy fees will be paid based on satisfactory completion of all deliverables and acceptable progress against the agreed deliverables and upon receipt of invoice from the consultant.
· Agreement between ChildFund and the consultant on the payment milestones will be determined before commencement of the study evaluation.
· ChildFund acknowledges that work progress against the deliverables and scope of deliverables may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural and human-caused disasters however, adjustment is to be made by mutual agreement.
· Payment (including daily fees) and timeframe to be negotiated and indicated in all expressions of interest.
Selection Criteria
We are seeking a qualified consultant—either an individual or an institution—based in Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Vietnam, or Australia to lead this end-of-project evaluation. The ideal consultant will meet the following criteria:
Submit Expression of Interest
Candidates are invited to submit an expression of interest, including the following:
Please upload the Proposal and Resume as one document.
Please submit your resume and proposal by 23:59 AEST, 16 February 2025.
Any questions can be addressed to cc:
Enhances quality education by empowering children and young people with online safety skills.
Promotes peaceful and inclusive societies by protecting children from online exploitation and abuse.