Hivos is hiring a
Consultant: Communication support to two global programs
Period: asap till 30 September 2022 (to be extended if needed)
Location: Hivos Global office, The Hague, the Netherlands
Hours: Approximately 20 to 25 days; to be discussed
Reports to: Global Program Managers of both programs
Due to the leaving of our Communication Officer, we are looking for temporary Communication Support for two inspiring global 5-year programs (2021 – 2025) titled We Lead and Free to be Me until a structural replacement is found.
We Lead aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRH-R) of young women from four specific groups: women who live with HIV; live with a disability; identify as lesbian, bisexual, trans or intersex, and/or are affected by displacement. The program truly puts these young women rightsholders in the driving seat. It supports young women’s’ groups and organizations and coaches them to advocate for their SRH-R in an impactful and sustainable way.
The program will be implemented in nine countries in Africa, the Middle East and Central America. The We Lead consortium consists of six civil society organizations (Positive Vibes, Restless Development, Marsa, FEMNET, the Central American Women’s Fund and Hivos), under the lead of Hivos. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is part of the partnership and funder of the program.
Free to be Me contributes to a vibrant LGBTIQ+ civil society, that is able to successfully generate public support and influence governments, businesses and societal actors to become advocates for LGBTIQ+ people’s human and socio-economic rights.
This global program is being implemented in 14 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The Free to be Me consortium consists of three civil society organizations, ILGA World, Positive Vibes, and Hivos, of which Hivos is in the lead. The program is being implemented in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Free to be Me connects rightsholders with one another in local Communities of Action (CoAs) and supports and coaches them, so that they are better able to advocate for, claim, protect, and promote their rights, needs and ideas.
The consultant shall perform the following Services and deliver the following Deliverables:
We lead:
Free to be Me:
We Lead & Free to be me:
How to apply
You can find our digital application form here. You need to attach both a letter of motivation and resume in English to this form.