Hivos is hiring a
Position: Voice Communications Officer
Reporting To: Linking & Learning Coordinator
Location: Hivos East Africa Office in Nairobi
Start Date: Starting date will be ASAP
About Hivos
Hivos is an international development organization guided by humanist values. Together with citizens and their organizations, we aim to contribute towards just, inclusive and life sustaining societies where people have equal access to opportunities, rights and resources. We work in partnership with others in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America on three impact areas: civic rights; gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and climate justice. Our approach is solution driven, and we build wider movements for change by amplifying and connecting voices.
What is Voice?
Voice is an innovative grant facility to support rightsholders and groups facing marginalization or discrimination in their efforts to exert influence in accessing productive and social services and political participation. Voice operates in a context where civic space and power is shifting at a fast pace, and often closing rather than opening; where the narrative is negative and underlining marginalization and vulnerability, rather than the dreams and successful steps made towards a better, more inclusive world. Voice is implemented in ten countries in Africa and Asia and is an initiative of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, implemented by a consortium between Hivos and Oxfam Novib.
For more information on Voice please visit
Voice is currently at an interesting juncture as it is entering its final year of implementation and bringing together all relevant stakeholders to strategise on how to move on responsibly after the closure of the extension phase of Voice in 2024. All ten Voice country teams are staffed with full-time Linking, Learning and Amplification Officers increasing our communications capacity enormously at the national level. Additionally, we also have a decentralised Global Coordination Team that currently includes one Communications Officer. We are seeking to strengthen the Communications function within Voice further and align it with our aspirations on the strategic positioning of Voice post-2024.
What is your responsibility?
Reporting to the Linking and Learning Coordinator within the Coordination Team, the Voice Communications Officer will work together with a counterpart to co-create and implement the Voice communications strategy and lead on Voice’s external presence, including on (social) media. This includes -but is not limited to - the visibility of Voice and Voice grantee partners to external audiences and linking and connecting them to existing campaigns. You will be responsible for the strategic direction on social and other types of media, as well as looking for further synergies to connect Voice (and its grantee partners) to a wider audience and/or community (i.e., through media exposure, publications, radio guesting). You will also be responsible for the co-development and editing of the Voice Annual Report and other publications and products where necessary as well as producing regular statistics on our online presence and visibility. Lastly, you will lead in strengthening our presence in French. This includes, but is not limited to, the French side of the website and the monthly newsletter.
You will closely collaborate with the Voice Country Teams and Coordination Team in all your tasks to support their communication needs.
Result areas
Main tasks
The key competencies for this position are:
What is your profile?
What do we offer?
We offer a stimulating work environment within a professional international organization with very dedicated staff. You will be employed by and based in the Hivos East Africa Hub. We particularly welcome applications from women, trans and/or intersex people (in the broadest sense of each of these terms). We offer a contract based on Hivos East Africa local labor conditions, with a remuneration commensurate with the experience and expertise requested.
Voice implements in Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Communications OfficerVoice CommunicationsNairobiVoiceinnovative grant facilityrightsholdersmarginalizationdiscriminationcivic spacepowernegative narrativeclosingMiddle EastAfricaAsiaLatin Americacivic rightsgender equalitydiversityinclusionclimate justicesolution drivenwider movementschangeamplifyingconnecting voicesstrategic positioningVoice Communications OfficerVoice communications strategyexternal presencesocial mediaVoice grantee partnerscampaignspublicationsstatisticsFrenchwebsitemonthly newsletterVoice Country TeamsCoordination Teamcommunication needscreativityinnovationmediapublicationscoordinationtimelinessefficiency