SOS Children`s Villages is hiring a
Call for Consultancy Service – Project Pre-Feasibility Study
Background and Context
SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia is an International Non-governmental organization and a member of SOS Children’s Villages International Federation. We started our humanitarian work in Ethiopia with the opening of our first Village in Mekelle, Northern part of Ethiopia in 1974. Since then, we have expanded our programs to different regions where there are significant needs for intervention and where we believe we can work in partnership with all relevant actors to bring sustainable positive outcomes for children’s and young people.
Today, we have grown significantly to meet the persistent challenges that confront Ethiopian children who have lost parental care and those that are at risk of losing their parental care. Working in close collaboration with international donors, local government and community based organizations across seven program locations; we aspire that every child grows up with love, respect and security.
As part of its development projects, the “Innovative training partnership for more youth employment in Addis Ababa and Adama” is Hermann-Gmeiner Funds Deutschland (HGFD) and SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia (SOS-CVE) project with the funding from the German Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ) with the focus on creating skilled employment and/or self-opportunities to socio-economically vulnerable youth in Addis Ababa (Arada,Gulele and Yeka Sub-cities) and Adama cities.
To this end, SOS-CVE would like to conduct a project prefeasibility study for the aforementioned project with the aim to identify potentials of success, areas of improvement, expected bottlenecks and sustaining project outcomes by inviting competent & experienced consultancy firms.
The main objective of the study is to provide SOS-CVE and HGFD with sufficient information to justify acceptance, modification or rejection of the proposed intervention for further formulation.
Scope & Methodologies of the Study
The consultant is expected to apply relevant and standardized quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection that can generate highest quality and most credible evidence on youth unemployment, employment opportunities, gaps, areas of new interventions for youth employment and/or self-employment.
Regarding sampling, the consultant will use appropriate sampling methods based on the target groups and set acceptable sample size for both qualitative and quantitative methods. In addition, qualitative methods need to be clearly indicated. Based on this, the winner consultant will make detail review of existing laws, policies, strategies, statistics and reports related to the situation of youth unemployment in Addis Ababa and Adama cities.
Job Requirement
The must haves
Modes of Applications
Applications should be based on the Terms of Reference (attached herewith or may collect form the offices) and delivered to SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia within seven days (8:00 AM-5:00PM) from the publication of the call for consultancy service through the following address:
SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia, National Office
Bole-Atlas Area in front of Mado Hotel,
Tel. Tel. +251 116 613381 or
SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Location
Sarbrt- at the Back of Bisirategebriel Church
Tel. +251113710596 or +251911675690
SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia Technical & Vocational training Collage - BMZ Project Office, Addis Ababa
Kaliti Total Area – At the back of KAFDEM Building
Tel. +251113710596
Please see the link below to access the full TOR for the consultancy.