Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) invites applications for 2 Business Service Providers to support the Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agrikultura (RIISA) initiative.
MEDA is an international economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty. Founded in 1953 by a group of business professionals, MEDA partners with the poor to start or grow small and medium-sized businesses in developing regions around the world.
In the Philippines, MEDA is implementing its five-year Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agriculture (RIISA) initiative. It strives for more resilience and inclusive economic growth for women and men cacao smallholder farmers (SHFs) in Mindanao, Philippines, through strengthened cacao market systems supported by investment. With a focus on Davao region, RIISA responds to multiple challenges in the Philippines cacao sector and draws on MEDA’s experience in market systems development, gender lens investing (GLI), gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), and environment and climate change (ECC).
RIISA is addressing cacao SHFs socio-economic challenges while contributing to market systems resilience (MSR) by i) mobilizing Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)-focused investment for cacao sector small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and financial intermediaries (FIs); ii) strengthening the capacity, including GESI, human rights (HR), and ECC, of local FIs and business service providers (BSPs) to deliver better services and products to cacao SMEs and cooperatives; iii) strengthening the capacity of cacao cooperatives and smallholder farmers (SHFs) in environmentally sustainable and inclusive farming and business practices; and iv) improve key enabling environment actors’ awareness of ESG practices in the cacao market system.
RIISA will engage qualified BSPs to provide the technical expertise and facilitation services needed to strengthen the capacity of RIISA clients1 to embed gendered environmental, social, and governance (G-ESG) principles or practices into their cacao enterprises, operations and projects, as well as collaborate with each other to address market system barriers to have a sustainable and inclusive cacao industry. The BSP/s services are expected to contribute to the following immediate outcomes: i) increased integration of gendered environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into operations of businesses and financial institution serving small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and cooperatives in Mindanao cacao market system; ii) improved environmentally sustainable and inclusive business performance for SHFs and cooperatives in the cacao market system in Mindanao; and iii) Improved practice of relevant actors to promote best ESG practices in the cacao market system in the Philippines.
This call for proposal is open to a BSP to provide or manage all the deliverables with different teams or two or more BSPs can bid to cover one or more deliverables. Technical expertise must match the requirements of the deliverables that the BSP is bidding on. To find out more about MEDA, please visit our website at
With focus on capacity strengthening of RIISA clients and partners to embed and adopt best G-ESG practices in the cacao market system, MEDA seeks an experienced service provider/s to meet the needed services as follows:
Embed G-ESG principles in the following documents:
Cacao Council’s documentation of the 3 best practices on cacao production to rehabilitate aging cacao trees. Develop the documentation into a manual that will serve as a guide for the adoption of practices that will significantly contribute to increasing the cacao yield of aging trees.
Training modules on Chocolate making and other value adding processes.
G-ESG integrated manual on Cacao Grove Shared Business Service Facility.
Work with Cacao City in the conduct of 4 training activities for four provincial/city cacao councils for the adoption of G-ESG focused best practices to increase the yield of aging cacao trees.
Conduct G-ESG Caravans with the RIISA-supported 15 cooperatives.
Organize and facilitate a Business Forum / Speed Networking for RIISA clients and partners.
- Work with the Davao Region Cacao Industry Development Council (DRCIDC) and Davao City Cacao Industry Development Council (DCCIDC) through the Cacao City Marketing Cooperative (Cacao City) on the following:
- A. G-ESG integrated manual* on how to apply the three (3) best practices on cacao production.
- Review Cacao City’s documentation of the three best practices* on cacao production and embed the G-ESG principles or factors in the process of applying the practices.
- Develop a manual on the application of the G-ESG principles and practices in the process of adoption of three (3) best practices on cacao production.
- Develop a Training of trainer’s guide on the use of this G-ESG integrated manual.
- Work with DRCIDC and DCIIDC in publishing the manual (print and video format) on social media.
* These practices are intended to rehabilitate aging farms. The manual will serve as a guide to the farmers on proper procedures and guided outcomes amidst climate change and pest & disease to have healthy soils, resilient cacao clones, standards on shade management, pruning & Pest and Disease Management.
- B. Report on four training activities on the application of G-ESG focused best practices on cacao production.
- Work and facilitate with Cacao City the four training activities for the provincial or city level cacao council on the adoption of G-ESG integrated best practices on cacao production.
- Prepare and submit training reports.
- C. G-ESG integrated training modules on Chocolate making and other value adding processes.
- Review and embed G-ESG principles and practices in Cacao City’s modules on Chocolate making and at least two (2) value adding processes.
- Develop a Training of Trainers guide on these G-ESG integrated manuals.
- D. G-ESG integrated manual on Cacao Grove Shared Business Service Facility.
- Develop with Cacao City and DRCIDC and DCCIDC a manual on Cacao Grove Shared Business Service Facility that embeds G-ESG principles and practices.
- Submit the manual to MEDA and DRCIDC and DCCIDC for review and finalization.
- To increase cacao pod yield by at least 30% after a year of rehabilitation from 2023 baseline.
- Increase in production and better-quality beans.
- More farmers adopting regenerative farming system practices.
- More youth and women are engaged or employed in Cacao business.
- Stronger partnerships with academic institutions.
- Work with the Davao Region Cacao Industry Development Council (DRCIDC) and Davao City Cacao Industry Development Council (DCCIDC), RIISA Cooperatives & SMEs, and other relevant cacao market system actors on the following:
- E. Activity reports on G-ESG caravans with 15 cooperatives
- Conduct G-ESG Caravans with RIISA-supported 15 cooperatives.
- F. Activity report on the business forum / speed networking for RIISA clients & partners
- Work with RIISA staff in developing a program design for the business forum / speed networking.
- Organize and facilitate a Business Forum / Speed Networking for RIISA clients and partners.
- Increase awareness and understanding on the concepts and practical applications of G-ESG principles in the cacao enterprises.
- Improve business relationships to address individual enterprise and industry needs and priorities.
G-ESG -integrated manual on the adoption of three (3) best practices on cacao production. > April to May 2025
Report on four training activities on the application of G-ESG-integrated best practices on cacao production. > June to August 2025
G-ESG integrated training modules on Chocolate making and other value adding processes. > April to May 2025
G-ESG integrated manual on Cacao Grove Shared Business Service Facility. > September to October 2025
Activity reports on G-ESG caravans with RIISA-supported 15 cooperatives. > June to November 2025
Activity report on the business forum / speed networking for RIISA clients & partners. > June 2025
Qualifications & Selection Criteria
A. Generic and Mandatory:
- Legally registered in the Philippines and been providing business services to cooperatives or SMEs for at least three years.
- RIISA Project prefers to partner with BSPs that have presence or existing business services in Davao Region.
- Alignment with MEDA’s values, and willing to work closely with MEDA staff.
- Committed to the development and progress of cooperatives and SMEs in the Philippines.
- Committed to contribute to the development of cacao sector in Mindanao.
- Fulfill MEDA’s due diligence requirements:
- BSP and staff are not involved in terrorist, illegal or criminal activities, including but not limited to drug, arms or sex trafficking, money laundering, violation of women’s rights and human rights.
- BSP does not appear on the US, UK, UN, or EU lists of terrorist organizations.
- Local and financially stable organization/company. Need to provide 2-3 years audited FS.
- Can immediately deploy experts/services and be able to finish the deliverables within eight (8) months
B. Specific Expertise:
- Demonstrated expertise and experience in delivering business development services to cooperatives and SMEs in partnership with market system actors who have commercial interest to support the smallholder farmers.
- Experience in providing technical assistance to cooperatives and SMEs in achieving business growth and objectives, and meeting environmental, social, and governance considerations and standards.
- With technical knowledge on either of the following: cooperative and MSME governance; gender equality, social inclusion, and human rights; social entrepreneurship; cacao market system development; environmentally sustainable agriculture practices; improving investment readiness and business performance.
- Preference is given to the proponent that can provide technical assistance and non-financial support to cacao cooperatives, micro-small and medium and large companies on integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their business operations, and to financial intermediaries serving micro and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and cooperatives.
- Funding will be discussed with the selected BSP.
Application Procedure
Interested BSPs to send application to MEDA via email at and cc:, with the PROPOSAL as attachment, by 5:00pm on February 21, 2025. Please indicate “BSP TA on G-ESG integration and facilitation".
Contact Information
- Organization’s Legal Name:
- Mailing Address:
- Main Contact Person and Title:
- Telephone:
- Email address:
- Website, if available (Facebook, twitter):
- SEC/CDA/DTI Registration Number:
Proposal Outline
- Introduction (maximum half page): provide understanding of the ToR and how your organization or company can respond to the ToR’s requirements. Proponent to add a brief explanation on their motivation to partner with MEDA.
- Capability Statement (maximum of one page):
- Briefly describe your organization’s business services, in relation to the expertise required by this ToR, in the last three years with specific information on the beneficiaries, contracting company/organization, and the results of your engagements.
- Briefly describe the financial position of the organization/company.
- Please include the contact details (contact person, phone, and email) of at least three (3) organizations/companies/cooperatives who can speak to the capability and credibility of your organization.
- Describe the qualifications of the personnel who will possibly be involved in the engagement.
- Proposed Methodology (maximum of one page).
- Describe how the proponent will provide the services required and achieve the desired deliverables within the prescribed timeframe.
- Discuss the strategy to ensure meaningful participation of women, youth and Indigenous peoples in the implementation processes and activities.
Proposed Work Plan (maximum of one page). Outline the activities, timeline, expected outputs, resources and the expertise needed.
Estimated Cost of the Engagement (in matrix format): Itemized cost and unit, and total cost.
- DTI/SEC/CDA Certificate of Registration
- Resume or CV of BSP staff who will work on this engagement.
- Work sample/s of BSP or the assigned staff.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis when received. All employment decisions are made on the basis of qualifications and organizational needs. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
MEDA welcomes and encourages applications from all genders, backgrounds, religions, cultures, nationalities and abilities. Accommodation is available on request for candidates with disabilities taking part in the selection process.